On Thursday 30th January, both Supervisors from Mountjoy's Isle of Wight maintenance team helped a local Island resident by putting together a shed in his garden. Adrian Blake and Shane Gulliver volunteered their lunch hour to carry out the works, which have provided the resident with much needed storage space for his medical equipment. 

Our attention was brought to the project by WightAID, an Island-based organisation which provides funding to charities, groups and other organisations which aim to improve the lives of people who are living on the Isle of Wight. They had been made aware of a young resident with a long-standing, life-limiting condition who had kindly been gifted an accessible shed to store his dialysis equipment in, as his house was too small to fully cater to his requirements. Unfortunately, the shed arrived flat packed and the resident was unable to put it together, so we were approached by WightAID for help.

Following completion of the works, a spokesperson from WightAID commented: "Thank you to Ade and Shane from Mountjoy who kindly gave up their lunch break yesterday to put this shed up. You have helped to make a positive impact to this gentleman and his family to ensure his house remains a comfortable environment for him to enjoy, whilst the shed is easily accessible for the medical equipment that is needed."

Please visit https://www.wightaid.org/ or contact admin@wightaid.org if you are on the Isle of Wight and know of any required small community projects or wish to volunteer yourself.