As a company with in excess of 300 employees delivering construction, refurbishment and maintenance services across the south coast, Mountjoy is committed to supporting local people in future careers.

Mountjoy currently employs eleven apprentices learning a variety of roles across contracts. Our apprentices attend college once a week and spend the working days learning their trade with a 'buddy' that is assigned to them. Our apprentices are training in a mixture of on-site maintenance roles such as plumbers, (Matt, Charlie, and Joe pictured above)  and office based roles like Johnnie  our current Apprentice Estimator (pictured above).

In addition to our apprentices we have hosted 12 work experience placements so far this year and attended numerous job fairs and school career days.

Mountjoy is looking forward to celebrating the achievements and commitment of its staff in the first internal Integrity Awards Ceremony in December.