The Objective
To supply Fareham Borough Council with a void property repair service, combined with a kitchen and bathroom replacement scheme, disabled adaptations and occasional reactive works from May 2019 onwards. Fareham Council has 2,500 homes to be managed as part of the contract.
The Solution
Mountjoy set up a team of 14 trade staff to be dedicated to the contract who report to a Supervisor and Contract Manager. A Resource Controller based in the north of Portsmouth organises the works and provides customer liaison and support.
We manage approximately 25 jobs per month, ranging across the different workstreams. We self-deliver 85% of the works, pulling on a pool of pre-approved subcontractors to manage more specialist works.
Mountjoy works closely with the Fareham Borough Council housing team, reporting on a weekly basis with job updates and meeting in person every month. This close communication allows for any expected peaks in work to be adequately prepared for with recruitment activities and training. Our team have developed an extensive asbestos register with the Council; completing asbestos surveys at every property we attend as a preventative measure for future works.